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CT Buster's Basic Zapper has the same zapper-circuit as the Terminator Zapper. These are very effective zappers, endorsed by Don Croft. The Basic Zapper is smaller than the Terminator and easy to use. This is a great "starter" zapper for those who just want to try before investing in the Terminator. This Basic Zapper's contacts are closer together than the Terminator Zapper, so it works great for small to medium sized cats and dogs when placed on the pads of their paws. The Terminator Zapper more appropriately fits large to extra-large dog paws.
All pathogens, bacteria, viruses, fungii, and parasites, have a frequency. Wearing a Zapper transmits frequencies that can kill these pathogens. The Basic Zapper alkalizes the body. Be sure to drink plenty of clean fresh water (not city tap water, please) to help flush the kidneys of dead/dying pathogens the Zapper is eliminating from the body. Some people can have a herxheimer (detox) effect. IF this happens to you, use your Zapper just a few hours each day to lessen the detox, drink plenty of clean, fresh water to help flush the body of toxins and gradually increase the time you wear it to what is most comfortable for you.
The Zapper kills the bad bacteria in the body and seems to encourage the growth of good bacteria. Viruses that are free in the blood and other fluids are also killed quickly, but to entirely rid the body of a virus one needs to zap at least three weeks, since viruses hide inside cells and are only exposed to the electric current from a zapper when they emerge to replicate in the blood and other fluids. Fungi may take days, weeks, or months to eradicate since they often exist in layers. Worms in the organs seem to be destroyed the first day, but, worms in the intestines may take up to a week of constant zapping to be rid of.
These inexpensive, wearable zappers are just good to have around for when the larger zapper is not convenient to wear during a physically active time or for when you might have broken your Terminator and had to send it back for repair. Also, you can loan these little ones to skeptics or give them to wary relatives when they are sick.
The Basic Zapper is the smallest, most convenient zapper on the market. The more you use the zapper, the sooner you will likely become properly alkaline. It's perfectly safe to wear it around the clock and it is absolutely impossible to harm yourself with any battery-powered zapper; the current is just too weak to do harm, though the Basic Zapper is strong enough to disintegrate all the parasites.
Because of its size, the Basic Zapper is also the ideal zapper for your pet. Apply the zapper to the tummy area, preferably an area with as little fur as possible. Make sure the two copper pennies touch the pet's skin and keep on the pet for 30 minutes each day. We find, applying a Basic Zapper to the pads of a dog's paw is useful as well. Always keep in mind when using with pets that it can sting or zap them just as it does people, so if you attach it to their body, keep an eye on them or watch for signs that it is bothering them.
1-year warranty to retail customers against defects in manufacture or materials but not against breaking the switch or the battery connector, dunking in liquids, abrading the terminals & similar.
Keep yourself comfortable and your Basic Zapper safe with our custom designed Zapper Strapper.
This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.